These attitudes are still head shakers for me. Finding muddy love.

That's all we have sometimes, some version of The Golden Rule and muddy love - Laura In the category of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" topics that make you…

Why I added mammogram back last year (but won’t this year)

Updated: April 6th, 2015  Adding mammogram or not? Now, I'm not sure. Why I changed my mind and had a 3D mammogram last year: Last year I spoke to a…

Are you afraid to fire your doctor?

Healers heal with more than their medicine. Bedside manner sinks into our reactive minds and cells and makes a difference - Laura This summer at the beach I found out I…

How he looks at you. How you look at him. Attractiveness unraveled.

Image credit: Men, women and how we view attractiveness. (Where I agree with Dennis Prager and where I don't). Driving home the other day I heard the Dennis Prager Show.…

George Zimmerman. Vigilant or vigilante?

Image credit I watched HLN this morning, a day after the not-guilty verdict came down for George Zimmerman. A few points came up during the HLN discussion panel that really struck…

British study shows kids of working moms just fine. Here’s why.

Photo credit: The Brits know. Quality childcare is key. Maternity leave, essential. Studies had shown that children born to career mothers in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s did not…

Breast cancer screenings: Too many of the wrong kind. What’s the best option?

IMPORTANT!! Cancer screenings....The following is an excerpt from an Orlando Sentinel article. The statement may sound radical. It's not. My thermographer has been saying this to me for two years.  This is the FIRST…

Why I’m opting out of mammograms and opting into THIS breast cancer screening approach.

  Anyone who regularly sees my posts knows I advocate for a three-prong breast cancer screening approach: 1. Physical exam by health care practitioner 2. MRI (ultrasound follow up if abnormal findings)…

Is feeling crappy our new normal? Telling our age and hedonism

[caption id="attachment_4714" align="alignleft" width="198"] Image courtesy of: Imagerymajestic[/caption] We get used to feeling slightly crappy until less than, becomes our new normal. Less sleep. Less energy. Less joy. The maintenance…

How to stop bad news from feeding on itself

Image courtesy of: Stuart Miles When economic bad news piles on as it has since 2007, end of times feels certain. The truth is however, economies cycle. What falls off the…