I write first to understand, then to heal – myself and the world.
Personal essays
Social commentary
15 years writing about natural health and wellness
My writing
Illumination-Curated – selected by a team of editors as thought provoking & well-crafted.
Columnist & Contributor: Whole Life Times Magazine
Orlando Sentinel – guest columnist
AKA Mom Magazine Essay: “Fifty Shades of Denial?”
Susan Liddy International – Emotional Intelligence for Women
The First Step Magazine (U.K.)
Ambivalence in Motherhood Part 1: When You’re a Different Kind of Mom
Ambivalence in Motherhood Part 2: Changing the Definition of Selfish
Why I Write
I started writing in early middle school.
Angst-filled stream of consciousness scribblings in notebooks and my little red leather diary.
Writing was my way of dealing with growing up, with the chaos of divorced parents and a far-from the-Brady Bunch blended family. I coped on paper and by “painting a fake smile,” as I called masking myself in my early poems.
Decades later when I became a mother, writing helped me process feelings of ambivalence about motherhood. About loving my child but not everything about motherhood. How I felt lost when I left the workforce to be at home full-time. How I never fit this or that mold.
(Please see my interview above).
I wrote about feelings that at the time, mothers really weren’t talking about. The darker, grittier side of motherhood.
I wrote about the spectrum of emotions I’ve come to accept rather than vilify. Hate, anger, rage, bitterness, fear, anxiety, depression.
From that space came my compulsion to write what I learned, loved and loathed about the experience of being human.
It begins with the truth.
Unpolished. Uncomfortable.
It begins with being radically honest with ourselves (and with people we trust). Honesty takes a risk. Honesty is a leap into the abyss and it’s terrifying.
But gradually the chokehold of trying to pretend you’re someone you’re not falls.
As humans we share traits born of the instinct to survive and to thrive. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Food, shelter, safety, a need for love, validation and belonging.
But we’re also individuals, spectacular in our breadth and depth of interests, challenges and pathways to finding peace, joy, balance and God knows — less angst.
People who love you will love you despite — or more likely, because of who you are.
Messy but courageous.
Someone who accepts her darkest emotions. Someone who battles her pain but still asks for help. To ask is brave. To ask, lets the light in.
Continuing education
- Stress-related disorders – Institute for Brain Potential
- Understanding the Gut Brain: Stress, Appetite, Digestion and Mood – Institute for Brain Potential
- Food for Thought: How Nutrients Affect Mental Health and the Brain – Institute for Brain Potential
- Theory & Practice of Creative Writing
- A Writer’s Guide to Descriptive Settings
- Focus on Writing the Personal Essay
Laura is an exceptional writer who comes up with innovative spins on any topic she tackles. She is a go-getter and always meets her editorial deadlines. She is a pleasure to work with as an editor. ~ Sabrina James, former editor, Playground Magazine.
I ran across Laura Owens one day as I was researching data for healthy living. I was ASTOUNDED by the depth of knowledge and VALUE that Laura offered on her websites. So, invited her to guest blog and she said “YES!” ~ Susan Liddy, Life, Biz & Body Benevolence Coach, Author, Speaker. , MA, PCC, CCC
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you how impressed I was with your latest article on autism — genetics and environmental triggers. I read every article on autism that gets published in the Health & Wellness or Parenting sections, and this rates far above the rest I’ve seen lately. I absolutely love how you handled it. The insights were good, and your article was very well written. ~ Vickie Ewell, Feature Writer Suite101: Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome.
*Before I became a mom I was in market research, marketing and advertising for 20 years. I attended Rollins College and the University of Florida with a B.A. in psychology and a minor in marketing.
This site is designed for the general public, adults 18 and older.