God is also inside Planned Parenthood

  Excerpted from "God Is Also Inside Planned Parenthood" They were last night as I walked in to a Planned Parenthood discussion on “A Celebration of Faith and Reproductive Health.”…

To Westboro Baptist: We win

[caption id="attachment_7459" align="alignleft" width="300"] Orlando Strong[/caption] I've long been horrified by Westboro Baptist. On the continuum of LGBT haters, they spew the worst anti LGBT post tragedy bile imaginable with…

It’s time the anti-poverty Pope blesses birth control.

[caption id="attachment_7387" align="alignleft" width="241"] Pope Francis and birth control[/caption] It's not easy to criticize the coolest Pope, ever. Pope Francis smiles for selfies, Tweets, says yes! to the Big Bang…

Lady writes in to insist on “natural roles” for women and men.

I had to do some serious deep breathing after I read this letter to the Orlando Sentinel. Diane wrote against women in combat, against women going against their "natural roles" in…

Kim Davis: At least we have this in common

I sickened myself as I cheered, celebrating this Christian being thrown to the lions. I watched the one minute coverage below and rooted the mob who piled on in front…

Heritage or hate?

Confederate flag's half-century at S.C. Capitol ends - CNN.com Yes it's true, taking the Confederate flag down won't end racism as banning the swastika in Germany didn't stop Neo-Nazis from…

The other

It's a rare and glorious moment to witness a Supreme Court ruling that makes rights for some, the law of the land for everyone. I wasn't around when slavery and…

One drop Italian and so, Italian

  I'm Italian-American, only one-quarter Italian, one drop. But that's all we need to decide who we are, one drop. "... Barack Obama has become the most high-profile personification of…

Vicious closet cyber bully converts

Image credit Warning: A small part of this post below is deeply disturbing, but if you hang on the emotional investment pays off. Converted bully: Hey Lindy, I don't know why or even…

Trash TV: When kids catch you in the act

The other night my daughter looked over me lying on the couch. "What are you watching?" she asked. I guess I fell asleep in front of some movie called "House Bunny."…