A strong immune system begins with a healthy diet, minimizing toxins, getting adequate sleep and exercise, reducing stress and taking science-backed supplements when appropriate.
I often hear people talk about vitamin C, D and zinc. Those are all helpful, but in many cases, not enough.
I take COVID-19 very seriously. I also leave the house a lot.
I know this sounds flip and contradictory.
Believe me I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m superwoman. I know I can get COVID. I’ve had enough colds, flu and health issues in my life to know I’m anything but invincible.
Since the start of COVID-19 I’ve felt something coming on at least three or four times. I didn’t have a cough or fever but I was run down with a slight scratchy throat and stuffy nose. Just on the cusp of something turning ugly.
I slammed down my supplements for a few days and whatever was lurking went away.
Of course I followed the CDC guidelines when I left the house. Mask, distancing, hand sanitizer constantly. But I’ve been out countless times (after lockdown ended in Florida May 1st). I’m not high risk. I’m 54 and in good health as are my husband and daughter.
But as you know with COVID-19 that’s no guarantee.
I’ve been tested three times for COVID-19 before I visited my stepmom and had one antibody test. All negative.
So, I have to think either my test results were false negatives (certainly possible), I’ve been incredibly lucky or my immune-strengthening supplements have something to do with why I haven’t gotten sick.
I have no way of proving my theory except to say that since I started taking a specialized silver called Argentyn 23 years ago I don’t get sick (or seriously sick).
(Want to cut to the chase? Head to the end of this post)
Argentyn 23 to strengthen your immune system
Argentyn 23 is a unique form of silver. A refined, improved colloidal silver.
Please don’t stop reading because you read the word “silver” and said “oh helllll no, quackery alert.”
I felt exactly the same way.
I refused to try any form of silver. Because while I’m serious about alternative medicine, I didn’t trust drinking a liquid version of my favorite sterling silver earrings (obviously an exaggeration, there’s no comparison).
But Argentyn 23 is safe, non-toxic and *effective for bacterial and viral infections. It’s a bio-active hydrosol form of silver. In a nutshell this means super small (nano) particles with positively charged ions. It’s unique molecular makeup makes all the difference in safety and efficacy.
See: Types of silver and why it matters
See: How Argentyn 23 compares to other silver
I need to say upfront that the FDA issued a warning to companies that claimed their silver products prevent or cure COVID-19. Dietary supplement companies are prohibited by the FDA from stating that their products prevent or cure disease.
The company that makes Argentyn 23, Natural Immunogenics, follows FDA guidelines to the T. They don’t claim to cure or treat because they’re not allowed to make those claims.
This isn’t a snake-oil company. There’s peer-reviewed science behind Argentyn’s form of silver (see “Research” below).
Silver has long been shown to have antibacterial properties. And in more recent years scientists discovered that silver also has antiviral properties.
It has been reported that silver nanoparticles interact with virus, bacteria, and the immune system…the size, shape and composition of silver nanoparticles can have a significant effect on their efficacy.
Silver Nanoparticles Interactions with the Immune System: Implications for Health and Disease.
The one thing my doctor recommended to prevent colds and flu
A few years ago I asked my integrative MD if she had to pick one supplement to help prevent colds and flu what would it be? She said Argentyn 23.
I’d never heard of it and was pretty skeptical. I’d read about some people turning blue (argyria) from talking silver so I wanted nothing to do with it.
But it works and it’s safe. My husband and daughter also started taking Argentyn 23 and these are the last two people I’d put at risk.
I know my words means nothing without science and safety assurances to back up my claims.
See: Why Argentyn 23 is safe, pure and *effective
The 4 supplements I take religiously when I’m getting sick
I take these the second I feel a scratchy throat. I mean I’ll crawl out of bed half asleep and make myself. Sometimes I still get a cold, but rarely. And if I do get sick my symptoms are less severe and I get over it faster.
The trick is to take these immediately and repeatedly (according to directions) until you feel better (generally 5-10 days depending on severity).
See: 3 Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety During COVID
Vitamin D effective for reducing flu and colds: study
Can vitamin C prevent or treat COVID-19? Peer-reviewed studies: antiviral effects of silver
Silver Nanoparticles Interactions with the Immune System: Implications for Health and Disease.
Application of Silver Nanoparticles in Viral Inhibition: A New Hope for Antivirals
Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents.
Statement of Argentyn 23 safety by former Science Assistant to the Associate Bureau Director, Division of Toxicology, US FDA.
Antiviral effects of nano colloidal silver, water catholyte, oxidal with methylene blue. possible effects of influence over coronavirus SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2
Nanoparticle-based antimicrobial paper as spread-breaker for corona virus
Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections
Efficiency of silver nanoparticle against virus coronaviruses
Application of nanomaterials in treatment, anti-infection and detection of coronaviruses
Could silver nano-particles control the 2019-nCoV virus?; An urgent glance to the past
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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