How much vitamin D should you take? Depends on who want to listen to.
The now world famous sunshine vitamin is more than merely a nice have, ultimately D converts to a hormone and hormones have the power to unlock a long list of…
Gay marriage a serious ill of our nation? We’re sick alright, but that’s not the issue.
An Orlando Sentinel reader wrote the following opinion letter: (Gov) Scott should stand steady Comparing same-sex marriage and integration is like comparing apples and oranges (Letters, Wednesday, JoAnn Lee Frank).…
The right to have kids, shouldn’t be.
(Rachel Fryer, 32, made a court appearance from the jail Thursday to face the new charges: felony murder, aggravated child abuse, evidence tampering and mishandling human remains. (George Skene, Orlando…
Changing people’s minds? Start with self-esteem.
"There should be a common body of facts that everybody can agree on and yet have a difference of opinion......It's important to make a distinction between beliefs that people hold…