Losing her religion
First published on Purple Clover. I have no doubt I helped destroy my daughter's faith in God, although I myself, still believe in God, god, in some form or another.…
This Pope is dope
[caption id="attachment_5937" align="alignleft" width="183"] Of the people, for the people[/caption] dope adj. cool, nice, awesome Title too flip for the highest Catholic? Just wait, some hip-hopper will pen a positive…
Jesus and Jello. Why I liked my religious buffet growing up.
Image credit: Wikipedia Excerpted from my essay "Jesus and Jello" I was raised with a la carte religion, a buffet line of a little bit here, a little bit…
Church only on Christmas and Easter? What would Jesus say? I bet I can guess.
Image source: By zole4, published on 17 September 2011 My teen daughter, once a frequent flyer at church with children and youth programs, now has to be dragged to church…