One reason I love life (but the point where my grace ends)
Image credit One of the many reasons I love life is the unexpected synchronicity that happens all the time.... Driving traffic-clogged I-4 at 6:50 this morning to get to the YMCA…
My friend: Ironman athlete’s journey with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Image: Courtesy of Joy Von Werder and Oviedo-Winter Springs Life magazine. I wrote the following article about my friend Joy because I'm awed by her athleticism and courage, and because…
Connecticut tragedy – where to look for hope
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles - view portfolio "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the…
New and improved: What’s interrupting YOUR joy?
I'm not one for making lists of resolutions because I think if you want to change, today is as good a time as any. But, when January 1st nears it's…
Triple amputee Ironman: journey and humility inspires
Regardless of our differences, shared stories leap across our muddy rivers of misunderstanding and meet in streams of friendship ~ Laura Rajesh Durbal's website - A couple years ago…