How to stop bad news from feeding on itself

Image courtesy of: Stuart Miles When economic bad news piles on as it has since 2007, end of times feels certain. The truth is however, economies cycle. What falls off the…

School shooting: It’s not just our own kids we need to hug

Perception is reality but the probability of a mass killing, while seemingly high, is actually quite low. The probability we're missing critical signs among our mentally ill? Much higher. In this NPR…

Hiring out labors of love: Outsourcing our inner selves, love, kids and other personal realms

Photo: Free digital Labors of love, once our exclusive personal domain, are now available for hire. But when we outsource our inner lives do we lose more than we gain?…

Conserve your willpower, because it can get tired and run out……

Decision fatigue, a phenomenon increasingly intriguing psychologists today given the growing culture of endless distractions and over-stimulation, is a term coined by social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister. Vaguely introduced by Freud,…

Secrets to Happiness Don’t Change. Timeless Wisdom Prevails.

Philosophers, spiritual leaders, self-help gurus, even scientists profess to know what makes a person happy, yet the core principles remain unchanged. Photo by dumplife (Mihai Romanciuc) on Flickr The theories behind what creates…

Narcissists Spotted From Facebook Posts and Profile, Find Psychologists

[caption id="attachment_3636" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Who we are on Facebook, online, often mirrors we we are.  "] [/caption] Photo credit link: Flickr Let me disclaim upfront, the findings represented in this…